What do the following have in common?
Building (IBC)
Energy (IECC)
Worker Safety and Health (OSHA)
Fire (NFPA 5000) & (IFC)
Rapidly changing and emerging codes, laws and regulations that affect residential construction can be difficult to interpret and even harder to execute. This is especially true if changes are adopted and implemented without sufficient time to understand and prepare the best solutions. This can easily impact cycle times, closings and hard costs.
UNDERSTAND the current codes
ANTICIPATE future code changes
FOCUS on the right products and best installation practices that meet or exceed these changing requirements.
Each new generation of the Building / Energy and Fire Code becomes more stringent and every year more and more code officials are requiring confirmation that a proposed building complies with these Codes. The code officials will NOT test your design to see if you have met the code requirements. Officials will rely on you to provide proof of compliance. Fighting this process is futile, so the best tact is to embrace it. Use it as a selling point especially since the consumers of this nation have become very energy and water conscious and want to know they are conserving, reducing their carbon footprint and ultimately their utility bills.
The DOE (Department of Energy) has a helpful website where you can check which code your state is under The DOE also offers software to help you prove compliance for most states. See their compliance tab for information in that area.