As a member of the BUILDERS CO-OP™ you will have affordable access to relevant, applicable information, analytics and support from experts dedicated to strengthening your business and the CO-OP as a whole. Updates, explanations, open discussions and solution alternatives from "your" team on topics critical to your success;
Product and Installation Cost Comparison Data
cost data from CO-OP members across the US; collected, scrubbed and summarized to better help you understand, negotiate and reduce hard cost categories
Value Engineering
by assessing and understanding the total cost of ownership we can help you implement value engineering that will reduce your build cycle, increase quality and livability while optimizing your bottom line
Energy and Water Conservation
expertise to not only understand the requirements but to help you choose marketable solutions
Codes and Compliance at your fingertips
access current and emerging codes from across the U.S. through a searchable database by product, location and application.
Building Product Commodities
tracking trends, in depth assessments and recommendations to help anticipate and offset increasing product costs
BUILDERESOURCE_Commodity update
Estimating and Takeoff, Scopes and Specifications
understand what you buy, then set rules and procedures for how your vendors will sell to you